Direct Debits

Monnify Account Direct Debit is a simple, secure and convenient ‘pull’ payment method that allows merchants to automatically collect recurring payments from a payer directly from their Account.

Ways To Use

One of these four ways to use will be suitable for your business depending on your requirement.

  1. Open Flexible:Enable merchants to debit varying amounts from a customer's account based on the actual consumption of services or products without a predetermined end date.
  2. Open Fixed: Enable merchants to debit fixed amounts from a customer's account based on the actual consumption of services or products without a predetermined end date.
  3. Closed Flexible: Enable merchants to debit varying amounts from a customer's account based on the actual consumption of services or products with a predetermined end date.
  4. Closed Fixed: Enable merchants to debit fixed amounts from a customer's account based on the actual consumption of services or products with a predetermined end date.

Common Examples

Recurring Payment:Direct debit is ideal for managing recurring payments such as subscriptions, memberships, or regular bills.

Loan Repayment:Direct debit can facilitate the periodic debits on customer’s account for loan repayments.

Integration Workflow

The process of setting up a direct debit involves three key steps: the creation of a mandate by the merchant, its authorization by the customer, and the actual debiting of funds as per the mandate's terms.

Mandate APIs

  1. Create Mandate: This endpoint helps to create mandate on the customer's bank account, see Create Mandate API for more information.
  2. Get Mandate Status: This endpoint helps to check the status of on an existing andate, check Get Mandate Status API for more information.
  3. Debit Mandate: This endpoint is called to debit desired amount on the customer's bank account after a mandate has been created on his account.
  4. Get Debit Status: This endpoint helps to check the debit status on a mandate
  5. Update Mandate: This endpoint helps cancel/invalidate a mandate initiated on a customer's account

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